Wednesday, March 12, 2014

The Korean Culture in Philippines #globalization

I know for a fact that there has been a cultural diffusion in the Philippines from K-pop. K-pop is a shortened term for Korean pop. Not only it is very popular in Korea, but it is also very famous in other countries. For example, since I am staying in the Philippines, Korean culture is somewhat diffused in the Filipino culture. There has been Korean television shows that has been dubbed in Tagalog and was shown on Filipino TV channels. TV series like Full House, Jumong, Lovers in Paris, Boys over Flowers, and etc.

These TV series were a heat when they were on show. When I was in school, my Filipino classmates would always talk about these TV series. It would create some interactions between Koreans and Filipinos with a topic that both knows. So the globalization happens.



  1. Spread of K-POP was possible due to globalization and this is definitely an example of cultural diffusion. However do you think that K-pop promote consumerism?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Wow! I knew about popularity of Korean dramas in the Philippines but din't think about their relation to globalization. I also knew that Boys over Flower was a big hit and this drama was dubbed in Tagalog too. So, the point you are talking about here is that through cultural diffusion, Korea is increasing its consumerism? However, your answer could have been much better if you had included some specific data that show the increase of Korea's consumerism through cultural diffusion

  4. I like how certain you are in your first sentence. Actually, no it comes off as bossy. How about, "Globalization is clearly visible through language-dubbing of Korean soap operas into Tagolog for the Philippine audience." Or something like that.

    What Filipinos have you talked to who said they watched these shows? I can't see ANYONE watching these shows personally! Just kidding, but seriously...check out Saved by the Bell.
