Sunday, April 6, 2014

Describe one major pollution event affecting more than one country and examine the consequences of and responses to this event.

One major pollution event that has affected not just one but also affected the world is the nuclear meltdown in Fukushima, Japan. This event occurred in March 11, 2011. There was a meltdown in 6 nuclear reactors due to natural disasters. Earthquake and tsunami have destroyed the reactors physically and made the nuclear materials to leak out of the reactor polluting the ocean around and the atmosphere. There are quite number of countries that has been affected by the leakage of nuclear materials into the oceans and atmosphere.

Fukushima nuclear radiation spread across the Pacific OceanThe nuclear reactors are usually cooled down by the sea water and it is stored in the powerplants. When tsunami hit the reactor, all the sea water flowed back into the ocean spreading the nuclear materials around the pacific oceans. The fishes that are breeding in the oceans are now all polluted and it is not advisable for one to eat any sort of fish coming from Japan or even Korea. Speaking of Korea, South Korea is one of the countries that have been greatly affected by the radiations produced in Japan. Korea banned any marine products coming from Japan for now.
Japan's Nuclear Radiation Effected Countries 2011
Not only the nuclear material travels by the ocean, but also it travels by air. Air this time does not have a same currents so it might be possible for the spread to be larger than the traveling by the ocean. The area affected might cover North America, South America, definitely Asia, and some parts of Russia. This disaster is the most inevitable part of nuclear meltdown.


Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Banglore, outsourcing capital of the world

I read an article that explains that 175,000 out of 500,000 computer engineers work in Bangalore.  Bangalore is very high standard of technology in India. No other city in India can match and challenge Bangalore in terms of technology. Although the working conditions are not so good in Bangalore, but there are people working for. It is because the wages for the workers are 15% higher than any other places for software development workers. It is also very developed city compared to the capital, New Delhi, and economic hub, Mumbai.


Sunday, March 23, 2014

Can ASEAN Respond to the Chinese Challenge?

The title of the article is:

Can ASEAN Respond to the Chinese Challenge?

 The Article explains what the Chinese do to bully the ASEAN nations in terms of the Spratly Island dispute. China and ASEAN members have signed the Document of Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea, DOC and Code of Conduct in the South China Sea, or COC to reduce any sort of dispute among the countries.
But, unfortunately the DOC and COC did not work out but instead it made the tension greater for countries. Here are some of the actions of China to other ASEAN countries:
1. Unilateral Action
The chinese ships have invaded the Philippines without any notice.
2. Lack of Unity
 This may not be the fault of the China but then, the ASEAN countries do not stay together
3. Two Laying Low
 Countries basically do not want to get in trouble China even if they have doen something wrong.

My thoughts on the article is that, I always have thought of and I will continue to think the same unless the China changes their "style" of international actions. I know that they are a such big and rich country and they are not afraid of any countries and they seem to be bullying countries that very "shy" and no power. I guess what China should do to reduce tension is that they I know it is completely impossible for them to give up the Spratly Islands, but they can follow the EEZ law that is set by the UNCLOS. What they can do is share the natural resources. No one owns the land and the profits made from the Island can be shared among the countries according to the capital the countries put in. This idea of mine is very impossible and idealistic, but if that happens, Earth will be a good place for us to live.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

The Korean Culture in Philippines #globalization

I know for a fact that there has been a cultural diffusion in the Philippines from K-pop. K-pop is a shortened term for Korean pop. Not only it is very popular in Korea, but it is also very famous in other countries. For example, since I am staying in the Philippines, Korean culture is somewhat diffused in the Filipino culture. There has been Korean television shows that has been dubbed in Tagalog and was shown on Filipino TV channels. TV series like Full House, Jumong, Lovers in Paris, Boys over Flowers, and etc.

These TV series were a heat when they were on show. When I was in school, my Filipino classmates would always talk about these TV series. It would create some interactions between Koreans and Filipinos with a topic that both knows. So the globalization happens.


Thursday, March 6, 2014

Pros and Cons of Globalization

Globalization gives access to free trade among countries to promote global economic growth, creates jobs, and lowering prices for the consumers due to competition.
Globalization has made the poor poorer, but then making the rich richer. For example, multinational corporations are mostly for the richer because the poor cannot access the products and services that multinational corporations offer.
Globalization gives access to products that are foreign. For example, People in America uses Samsung phone which is made in Korea, riding a Mercedes which is from Germany wearing Breitling watch made in Switzerland.
Multinational corporations which play a great part of the globalization do not provide good working conditions for workers abroad. For example, Nike was accused by people for utilizing child labor because of cheap labor.
People get to travel, send information, and communicate at the vast amount of speed. Before people took weeks to go to Korea from the Philippines, but now it only takes four hours by flying. The mail took days or weeks to arrive, but now it only takes a second to send via e-mail.
The multinational corporations not only play in economy of the world, it also plays in politics of the world. Instances like, Samsung plays a role in Korean politics even with slightest decisions.
There is culture intermingling which means other people can learn other countries culture. Since the world is shrinking, people can travel places to place fairly quickly compared to 1900`s. So it is easy for Americans to go to Japan and learn their culture to eat sashimi and wearing kimono.
Although there are plenty of job opportunities, they might have to live with the fear of losing job any second. Multinational corporations may have a production sector in a developing country. Once, they have maximized the countries resources, they would leave the country leaving all the workers in the town.
Since a corporation may damage some aspects of a country, the government and the corporation may work out if there are any problems in the country whether it is environmental, social, political, or economical.
Through globalization, the term imperialism reappeared. The multinational companies are ruling over some underdeveloped countries to use the resources and even have a political control over the host nation.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

 Hurricane is one of the hazards that is accommodated by wind and sometimes rain. It is mostly destructive due to the strong winds and strong rains. It is also called typhoons in the western Pacific or cyclones in Australia and Indian Ocean. It forms over tropical oceans. It also has a low pressure. It moves counter-clockwise in northern hemisphere. 
Volcanoes are mountains or hills, that have a crater or vent through which lava, rock fragments, hot vapor, and gas are being or have been erupted from the earth`s crust. The eruption might take through a day or it may last up to years. It is also one of the most disastrous natural calamities on earth. Mount Pinatubo was one of the most destructive calamity in the 20th century. It affected the great amount of area in the Southeast Asia.
There are differences between the two natural disasters. Here are the differences:

Volcanic Eruption
Typhoons and Hurrican
No single feature to measure how big the volcano is.
There is the intensity to measure hyrricane on the saffir-simpson scale. This is to measure the wind speed and air pressure in the scale of 1-5.
It can last from less than a day to years.
It can last till days and up to years.
Spatial Distribution
Volcanoes can be found in continental settings or oceanic settings. This means that volcanoes can be found in either land or underwater.  

Severe Cyclonic Storm: North Indian Ocean 

Tropical Cyclone: South and Southwest Indian Ocean 

Severe Tropical Cyclone: Southwest Pacific Ocean and Southeast Indian Ocean 

The more familiar term, "hurricane", is used in the Atlantic Ocean and the eastern Pacific Ocean

Volcanic eruptions are very difficult to predict, however, it is said that the beginning of a volcanic eruption is easier to predict than to predict the end of a volcanic eruption.

Hurricanes are very erratic; prediction is difficult

Regularity and Frequency
Shown in the Volcanic Explosivity Index table, non-explosive to gentle explosions occur frequently, and daily, compared to very big volcanic eruptions with a plume height of >25 km, which happen about once every 10,000 years. 

See the table below

Storm Frequency
Tropical storms and Typhoons by month,
for the period 1959–2011 (Northwest Pacific)

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Explain the characteristics and spatial distribution of the following hazards using at least two specific examples. [10 marks]

             Hurricane is one of the hazards that is accommodated by wind and sometimes rain. It is mostly destructive due to the strong winds. It is also called typhoons in the western Pacific or cyclones in Australia and Indian Ocean. It forms over tropical oceans. It also has a low pressure. It moves counter-clockwise in northern hemisphere. The speed at which the wind travels is 120 km/h but it can also rich about to 350 km/h. The diameter of hurricanes could differ it can be as small as 100 km and as gigantic as 1500km.

             Hurricanes are hard to detect because they are erratic. The usage of flights into hurricane, satellite images, on-ground instruments packages, and computer models. The destruction could be lethal due to heavy rain falls and 120 km/h. In the eye of wall the amount of rain fall is 10m/day. On the other locations it rains up to 10 in./day.