The title of the article is:
Can ASEAN Respond to the Chinese Challenge?
The Article explains what the Chinese do to bully the ASEAN nations in terms of the Spratly Island dispute. China and ASEAN members have signed the Document of Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea, DOC and Code of Conduct in the South China Sea, or COC to reduce any sort of dispute among the countries.
But, unfortunately the DOC and COC did not work out but instead it made the tension greater for countries. Here are some of the actions of China to other ASEAN countries:
1. Unilateral Action
The chinese ships have invaded the Philippines without any notice.
2. Lack of Unity
This may not be the fault of the China but then, the ASEAN countries do not stay together
3. Two Laying Low
Countries basically do not want to get in trouble China even if they have doen something wrong.
My thoughts on the article is that, I always have thought of and I will continue to think the same unless the China changes their "style" of international actions. I know that they are a such big and rich country and they are not afraid of any countries and they seem to be bullying countries that very "shy" and no power. I guess what China should do to reduce tension is that they I know it is completely impossible for them to give up the Spratly Islands, but they can follow the EEZ law that is set by the UNCLOS. What they can do is share the natural resources. No one owns the land and the profits made from the Island can be shared among the countries according to the capital the countries put in. This idea of mine is very impossible and idealistic, but if that happens, Earth will be a good place for us to live.