Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Why is it that the rich get richer and the poor stay poor?

          The rich stay rich and poor stay poor. That is the current Meta for 21st century. The rich stay rich because the 1% of rich people owns the 50% of the wealth of the total population. Rich people own basically own everything. They own the corporations, property, investments, capital and everything that would be helpful in developing nations. In America, top 1 percent controls 83 percent of US stock. This is very scary. So the other 17 percent of the stocks are owned by 99 percent of people in United States. This is one reason why the rich stay rich and poor stay poor.
             The poor stay poor because as of 2007, the bottom 80 percent of American households held about 7 percent of the liquid financial assets. The data comes from Dailyfinance article and it is irrational. How can 80 percent own 7 percent? That is kind of unrealistic. So the poor stay because they cannot own anything. Everything belongs to the rich.


Tuesday, November 12, 2013

1. Why have some countries donated more in aid to the victims of Typhoon Haiyan than others?

The countries that have donated more to the victims in the country, are more likely those who have allied or are friends with the Philippines. Other countries who were helped by the Philippines could have helped them back. 

2. How does the aid being sent to victims of Typhoon Haiyan represent the following:

altruism: People could just love helping others. Altruism is when someone being selflessness. They want the welfare of others. It is very traditional and religious thing to do. So, those countries that have sent aid to the Philippines could just feel sorry for them and could help them. Countries like Vatican could helped the Philippines because Philippines is a Christian nation. 

geopolitics: Those countries that aided Philippines like China who have donated $100,000 out of 7 trillion GDP. Unlike other countries like US and UK, who have donated like millions of dollars as their trillion and billion dollar. China is currently having issues with the Philippines over South China sea. So, they could have donated less due to this the geopolitical conflicts.

Neo-colonialism: Neo-colonialism is basically having indirect control over countries. It is making the LEDCs to depend on MEDCs. Country like US could have thoughts like it could happen to be a colonialism. Since US had colonized the Philippines in 1989 to 1946. The colonization was very long and US is maybe trying to re-start their colonialism. 

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Super Typhoon Haiyan and Its Effect

How does the devastation brought from Typhoon Haiyan make you feel?
- The devastation of the super typhoon has not affected me greatly. Just heavy rain and strong wind was the most devastation happened. But, the people who were more affected than just strong wind and heavy rain, I feel so sad for them. They do not even have enough money to buy food for three meals a day. And they get affected so heavily by rain and storm surges that destroyed their houses, families, and lives. Though I am not greatly affected by the typhoon, I still feel so bad for their loss.